At EC, what I appreciated the most was the close relationships I could have with my teachers. 我喜欢我在欧共体认识的每一位老师. 例如,在“作文工作坊”中,Mr. Steen always used creative teaching methods to keep his students engaged and push them to become better writers. 例如,我们看了电影 《新葡京app》 并对梦与现实进行了深入的探讨. We tried different flavors of candies to explore different senses and wrote about the experience later. 夫人. Okma’s Advanced Composition class also challenged me to become a better writer and scholar. All the writing assignments pushed me to reflect more on my life and helped me discover things that I am passionate about. I have also gained a profound understanding on historical events as well as contemporary issues from Mr. Uitermarkt的类. Outside of the classroom setting, I also had opportunities to connect with EC faculty. 我会顺路去看看夫人. Lagerveld’s office almost everyday to “report” my day and my feelings because she is like a mom to me. 她会为我的快乐而微笑,当我情绪低落时,她会鼓励我. Furthermore, I was able to befriend teachers through school trips to India and the Netherlands. I can go on and on about these examples because EC faculty are all willing to connect with students inside and outside of classroom.
在EC,我也很感激有机会成为人文学科项目的一部分. The program not only allowed me to challenge myself intellectually but also gave me the opportunity to develop close relationships with friends. 每天和同样的一群人一起上同样的课, 我在更深层次上了解了我的人文学科朋友. 在课堂上,我们会充满激情地参与辩论和对话. After school, we would help each other with homework and support one another through difficulties.
新葡京app的口号是“引人入胜”. 培养. 转换.“欧共体在其教育中融入了所有这些方面. My felt my time at EC was engaging because of its diverse classes and extracurricular activities. My experience at EC was nurturing because of the personal care and attention that EC gave to every student. 欧共体老师会一直陪伴在学生身边, 他们是否有与学业相关的问题或与生活相关的问题. EC education was also transforming because it cultivated students’ critical thinking skills inside and outside of a classroom setting. In class, teachers encouraged students to express their opinions and grow as a scholar. 校外活动, EC encouraged students to join mission or academic trips to gain real-life experience. 因此,我对电子商务教育怀有深深的感激之情.